This section define the key terminologies and concepts associated with model comparison.
What are software models?
Software models are abstract representations of a software system that help understand the design and behavior of different components in a software system. They serve as blueprints for the development of new systems and as documentation for a project that could be used by newcomers to gain familiarity with the internal functioning of the system.
Software models are generally categorized into Structural Models and Behavioral Models; The former serve as representatives of the data model; showcasing classes, attributes, methods and their relationships while the latter capture the flow of information in the system and depict the interaction of components and sequence of events.
What is (Domain) Model Comparison?
The comparison of software models is a fundamental task in MDE (Model Driven Engineering) and MDRE (Model Driven Reverse Engineering) research, essential for various purposes such as software evolution, model-driven development, model clone detection, and quality assurance.
There are two aspects of model comparison; syntactic and semantic. Syntactic comparison focuses on the structural similarity between models, disregarding semantic aspects, and plays a crucial role in identifying similarities and differences between different versions of models or models created by different stakeholders. Semantic comparison focuses on the resemblance of two models with respect to their meaning or semantics. From the perspective of MDE, this could help identify model clones and aid with model versioning. Additionally, semantic comparison of models could automate the grading of software based assignments in academia; extracted models from the student’s work could be compared with the benchmark models to check the validity.
The framework provides an an abstract java class that could be extended to implement an algorithm of choice. The instance of the algorithm of choice is created and used to compare models as represented abstractly in Pseudocode 1.
Class Diagram for Syntactic Comparator
This class diagram represents the syntactic comparator module
Pseudocode 1
The compareModels function expects a hashmap (config) that contains information about the granularity of comparison and choice of algorithm. The hashmap can contain the configuration variables listed in the table below.
Configuration Table
Property | Type | Default Value | Description |
USE-HASHING | boolean | true | Whether to use hashing in the comparison |
INCLUDE-DEPENDENCIES | boolean | true | Whether to include dependencies in the comparison |
MODEL-LEVEL-COMPARISON-DERIVED-FROM-CLASS-LEVEL-COMPARISON | boolean | true | Model-level comparison derived from class-level comparison. If false, elements will be compared on model level |
HASHING-THRESHOLD | number | 0.5 | The threshold for hashing similarity |
INCLUDE-ENUMS | boolean | true | Whether to include enums in the comparison |
INCLUDE-ENUM-NAME | boolean | true | Whether to include enum names in the comparison |
INCLUDE-CLASS-ATTRIBUTES | boolean | true | Whether to include class attributes in the comparison |
INCLUDE-CLASS-OPERATIONS | boolean | true | Whether to include class operations in the comparison |
INCLUDE-CLASS-PARAMETERS | boolean | true | Whether to include class parameters in the comparison |
INCLUDE-CLASS-REFERENCES | boolean | true | Whether to include class references in the comparison |
INCLUDE-CLASS-SUPERTYPES | boolean | true | Whether to include class supertypes in the comparison |
INCLUDE-ATTRIBUTE-NAME | boolean | true | Whether to include attribute names in the comparison |
INCLUDE-ATTRIBUTE-CONTAINING-CLASS | boolean | true | Whether to include the class containing the attribute in the comparison |
INCLUDE-ATTRIBUTE-TYPE | boolean | true | Whether to include attribute types in the comparison |
INCLUDE-ATTRIBUTE-LOWER-BOUND | boolean | true | Whether to include attribute lower bounds in the comparison |
INCLUDE-ATTRIBUTE-UPPER-BOUND | boolean | true | Whether to include attribute upper bounds in the comparison |
INCLUDE-ATTRIBUTE-IS-ORDERED | boolean | true | Whether to include if the attribute is ordered |
INCLUDE-ATTRIBUTE-IS-UNIQUE | boolean | true | Whether to include if the attribute is unique |
INCLUDE-REFERENCES-NAME | boolean | true | Whether to include reference names in the comparison |
INCLUDE-REFERENCES-CONTAINING-CLASS | boolean | true | Whether to include the class containing the reference in the comparison |
INCLUDE-REFERENCES-IS-CONTAINMENT | boolean | true | Whether to include if the reference is containment |
INCLUDE-REFERENCES-LOWER-BOUND | boolean | true | Whether to include reference lower bounds in the comparison |
INCLUDE-REFERENCES-UPPER-BOUND | boolean | true | Whether to include reference upper bounds in the comparison |
INCLUDE-REFERENCES-IS-ORDERED | boolean | true | Whether to include if the reference is ordered |
INCLUDE-REFERENCES-IS-UNIQUE | boolean | true | Whether to include if the reference is unique |
INCLUDE-OPERATION-NAME | boolean | true | Whether to include operation names in the comparison |
INCLUDE-OPERATION-CONTAINING-CLASS | boolean | true | Whether to include the class containing the operation in the comparison |
INCLUDE-OPERATION-PARAMETERS | boolean | true | Whether to include operation parameters in the comparison |
INCLUDE-PARAMETER-NAME | boolean | true | Whether to include parameter names in the comparison |
INCLUDE-PARAMETER-TYPE | boolean | true | Whether to include parameter types in the comparison |
INCLUDE-PARAMETER-OPERATION-NAME | boolean | true | Whether to include the operation name associated with the parameter in the comparison |
Based on the choice of algorithm, if implemented in the tool, the relevant instance of the class is initialized; that instance is named as ”alg”. The function ”getClassLevelMetrics” is called that uses the instance of the algorithm to compute the ven diagram for each of the elements of the model. The ven diagram provides information about the true positives, false positives, and false negatives. if the MODEL-LEVEL-COMPARISON-DERIVED-FROM- CLASS-LEVEL-COMPARISON configuration variable (refer to configuration table) is set to True then the classLevelMetrics and the Ven Diagram for enumerations (computed separately because they are present at the root of the model instead of being part of a class), are used to generate the the model level metrics; else, the model level metrics are generated by comparing model elements on model level. We have not described the functions ”get- ConfusionMatrixForAllElements()” and ”getMLM(clm, VDEnum”)because they are trivial.
Hashing Based Model Matching Algorithm
The hashing based algorithm has been implemented as an extension of the abstract model comparison class. The inspiration for this algorithm comes from the Xiao He’s paper; an extension of EMF-Compare. Our algorithm computes the venn diagrams for each of the following elements; classes, references, attributes, operations, superTyes, and Enums. VennDiagram is a data structure (implemented as a DTO (Data Transfer Object)) containing a triple such that: Venn Diagram = (onlyInModel1, intersection, onlyInModel2) The pseudocode in Pseudocode 2 details the steps to compute the venn diagrams provided with two arrays of the same types of elements. At first, a hash value of each of the elements is computed, which is use to index the element. This is followed by finding pairs of elements that have the maximum similarity score; these pairs are included in the intersection section of the venn diagram. For the elements in model 1 that were not paired with any element in model 2; are included in the set of elements only in model 1, and vice versa. The algorithm used to compute similarity is detailed in Pseudocode 3. The ”computeSimilarity” function computes a dot product of the two hash values. It expects the hash to be a 64 bit binary value. The usage of this function can be seen in Pseudocode 2. The ”computeHash” function takes input an element and computes a sum of the hash values of each of its features. The function ”getHashValue” is ued to compute a 64 bit binary hash of each individual feature in the element. If the feature is a text-based feature then the ”hashNGram” function is used to compute the 64 bit binary hash for that feature value. This technique is inspired from the ”hashNGram” function proposed by Xiao He. The hashNGram function breaks the string into bi-grams and for each bi-gram computes a 64 bit binary hash; these hash values are summed up to get a 64-bit hash value for the feature. We have introduced a variation to accommodate for classes that are composed of only 1 letter, for example ”public class A ”. We have added an if condition to check if such is the case, then the hashCode for that letter is returned instead of computing the bigrams.
Pseudocode 2
Pseudocode 3
This algorithm defines a class SemanticSimilarity to compute the semantic similarity between two emfatic files. The process begins by extracting and tokenizing text from the given code using NLTK, then removes packages, namespace declaration and comments. Package declerations are removed because the focus of the tools is to find semantic similarity between class diagrams; it is not necessary for the two models to have the same package structure for them to be semantically similar. The algorithm tokenizes the remaining text and converts it into a list of tokens. Then, it uses TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) to calculate the importance of each word in the documents and obtains word embeddings using pre- trained Word2Vec vectors from the GoogleNews-vectors-negative300 word embedding model. We have provided support for 2 models; glove6b50d and GoogleNews-vectors-negative300 that can be configured from the environ- ment variable of the api. These embeddings are weighted by the TF-IDF scores to get a weighted average embedding for each document. Finally, the cosine similarity between the embeddings of the original and predicted code files is computed to determine their semantic similarity, which is then re- turned as a score.